
Friday, 27 October 2017

week 2 recount writing

Me and my family first went for a swim and had free drinks and food. Then played on my dad shoulder i the sea. But i fell over and nearly drowned but my dad swam and took me over to the beach and told me to stay on the beach. I cast i nearly drown again. I was sitting in the sand and my family done a prank on me then i done a prank on my was fun but i didn’t like the prank my dad done on me. Then went my dad was sleeping i tipped cold water on my dad so he can wake up because he nearly slept the whole day. We had a swim and i saw a dolphin but my family didn't see me and the dolphin took me back to the sand. But it wouldn't let me go in the water and swim my mum and dad was laughing at me. But then i ran to my family then i didn't go in the water again a till the dolphin went away. But we had to go back to home so before we went home i got some food and drink and ride the dolphin And then we took a while to get our fight so i swam with my family and had fun And went and buried my dad in the sand and it was fun.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

wagging is not the right thing

I don’t think Wagging is the right thing to do because you can’t learn much. Also you might not know how to count or read and you won't be smart. Then you won’t learn anything new and if you don’t learn anything new you might be the least smartess. Also you won’t know how to spell words and you can’t do any maths problems and if you wag you could live a life of crime. Also you could have a chance of getting moved down a class and getting moved down a level.

is wagging the right thing to do?

Persuasive Writing Plan Introduction Topic question: Is wagging the right thing to do? I think wagging is not the right thing to do because when you grow up you might not know how to write and read Main reason 1 Fact then you might not be able to cook for kids Example if you don't cook something for dinner you will be hungry Fact: Wagging school affects your education. For example: There is evidence to show that children who wag school get poor results for their Reading, Writing and Maths. Main reason 2 then if you don’t know to count your money it will be hard for you to feed your kids if you can’t count numbers at school you will be moved down a level Main reason 3 if you don't know how to count when you're an adult you can’t get any money when you're an adult and you don’t know how to count money you might get fired from your job Conclusion In the conclusion you re-state the introduction. For example: Finally wagging is not the right thing to do because you should not wag or you could live a crime I think wagging is not the right thing to do because when you grow up you might not know how to write and read. then you might not be able to cook for kids if you don't cook something for dinner you will be hungry. then if you don’t know to count your money it will be hard for you to feed your kids if you can’t count numbers at school you will be moved down a level. if you don't know how to count when you're an adult you can’t get any money when you're an adult and you don’t know how to count money you might get fired from your job. you should not wag or you could live a crime.

counting upwards strategy